Introduction to Sociology |
Faculty of Arts |
Soc 1010 |
Introductory Accounting |
Faculty of business UPEI |
ACCT 1010 |
Managerial Accounting |
Faculty of business UPEI |
ACCT 2210 |
Introduction to Business |
Faculty of business UPEI |
BUS 1010 |
Introduction to Marketing |
Faculty of business UPEI |
BUS 1410 |
Organizational Behavior |
Faculty of business UPEI |
BUS 1710 |
Business Presentations & Communications |
Faculty of business UPEI |
BUS 2120 |
Corporate Finance |
Faculty of business UPEI |
BUS 2310 |
Management Information System |
Faculty of business UPEI |
Bus 2410 |
Management science |
Faculty of business UPEI |
BUS 2510 |
Introduction to small Business & Entrepreneurship |
Faculty of business UPEI |
BUS 2650 |
Human Resources Management |
Faculty of business UPEI |
BUS 2720 |
International Business |
Faculty of business UPEI |
BUS 2870 |
Research and Evidence-based management |
Faculty of business UPEI |
BUS 2880 |
Business Law |
Faculty of business UPEI |
BUS 3010 |
Marketing |
Faculty of business UPEI |
BUS 3430 |
Operations Management |
Faculty of business UPEI |
BUS 3510 |
Small Business Management: Opportunity Analysis & Development |
Faculty of business UPEI |
BUS 3650 |
Finance |
Faculty of business UPEI |
BUS 3660 |
Entrepreneurship & New Ventures |
Faculty of business UPEI |
BUS 3710 |
Special Topics in Marketing (sustainable marketing) |
Faculty of business UPEI |
BUS 3850 |
International Finance |
Faculty of business UPEI |
BUS 4390 |
Marketing |
Faculty of business UPEI |
BUS 4430 |
Market Research |
Faculty of business UPEI |
BUS 4440 |
Brand Management |
Faculty of business UPEI |
BUS 4450 |
E-Commerce |
Faculty of business UPEI |
BUS 4750 |
International Marketing |
Faculty of business UPEI |
BUS 4770 |
Integrated Marketing Communications |
Faculty of business UPEI |
BUS 4810 |
Special Topics in entrepreneurship (Social entrepreneurship) |
Faculty of business UPEI |
BUS 4820 |
Directed Studies |
Faculty of business UPEI |
BUS 4840 |
Developing Management and Leadership Skills |
Faculty of business UPEI |
BUS 4850 |
Current Issues in Business |
Faculty of business UPEI |
BUS 4860 |
Business Research course |
Faculty of business UPEI |
BUS 4950 |
Economics of Tourism |
Faculty of business UPEI |
EC 2420 |
Environmental Economics |
Faculty of business UPEI |
ECON 2150 |
Introductory Microeconomics |
Faculty of business UPEI |
Economics 1010 |
Introductory Macroeconomics |
Faculty of business UPEI |
Economics 1020 |
Professional Writing |
Faculty of business UPEI |
ENG 3810 |
Engineering Communications |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 1210 |
Engineering Analysis |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 1220 |
Engineering Mechanics I: Statics |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 1230 |
Materials Science |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 1250 |
Computer Programming with Engineering Applications |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 1310 |
Engineering Mechanics II:Dynamics |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 1340 |
Sustainability in Engineering Design |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 1410 |
Statistics for engineering applications |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 2130 |
Engineering Projects I |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 2210 |
Engineering Projects II |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 2220 |
Introduction to Structural Engineering |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 2240 |
Strength of Materials |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 2310 |
Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 2350 |
Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 2360 |
Engineering Economics |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 2430 |
Fundamentals of Process Engineering |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 2520 |
Thermo Fluids I: Thermodynamics |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 2610 |
Thermo Fluids II: Fluid Mechanics |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 2620 |
Electric Circuits I |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 2810 |
Digital Logic Design |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 2830 |
Engineering Measurements |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 3220 |
Machines and Automatic Controls |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 3270 |
Introduction to Mechatronics Engineering |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 3340 |
Mechatronic System Integration and Interface Design |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 3370 |
Real-time Embedded Systems |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 3380 |
Intro to Mechatronic Computer-Aided Product Development, Modelling and Simulation |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 3390 |
Technology Management and Entrepreneurship |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 3430 |
Introduction to Sustainable Energy Engineering |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 3440 |
Wind and Water Power |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 3450 |
Solar Energy and Electricity Storage |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 3460 |
Chemical Energy Conversion |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 3490 |
Thermo Fluids III: Heat Transfer and Thermodynamic Cycles |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 3630 |
Project-Based Professional Practice I |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 3710 |
Project-Based Professional Practice II |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 3720 |
Systems Engineering |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 3810 |
System Dynamics with Simulation |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 3820 |
Facilitated Study and Experimental Practice |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 4210 |
Advanced Fabrication Techniques and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 4310 |
Control System Design |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 4320 |
Innovations in Biomedical Engineering |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 4330 |
Advanced Robotic Dynamics and Control |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 4350 |
Fluid Power Control |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 4370 |
Macro Energy Systems |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 4410 |
Fluid Loads on Energy Structures |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 4450 |
Micro Grids |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 4470 |
Project-Based Professional Practice III |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 4710 |
Project-Based Professional Practice IV |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 4720 |
Computational Methods for Engineering Design |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
ENGN 4850 |
Writing Studies |
Faculty of Engineering UPEI |
UPEI 1010 |
General Chemistry I |
Faculty of Science UPEI |
CHEM 1110 |
Computer Science 1 |
Faculty of Science UPEI |
CS 1910 |
object oriented programming gin python |
Faculty of Science UPEI |
CS 1920 |
Computer Architecture |
Faculty of Science UPEI |
CS 2520 |
Comparative Programming Languages |
Faculty of Science UPEI |
CS 2620 |
Programming Practices |
Faculty of Science UPEI |
CS 2820 |
Computer Programming III |
Faculty of Science UPEI |
CS 2910 |
Data Structures and Algorithms |
Faculty of Science UPEI |
CS 2920 |
Video Game Design |
Faculty of Science UPEI |
CS 3110 |
Mobile Device, Android |
Faculty of Science UPEI |
CS 3130 |
Computer Graphics Programming |
Faculty of Science UPEI |
CS 4350 |
Advanced Computer Graphics |
Faculty of Science UPEI |
CS 4360 |
Video-Game Architecture |
Faculty of Science UPEI |
CS 4650 |
Finite Mathematics |
Faculty of Science UPEI |
MATH 1110 |
Calculus I |
Faculty of Science UPEI |
MATH 1910 |
Calculus II: |
Faculty of Science UPEI |
MATH 1920 |
Combinarotics 1 |
Faculty of Science UPEI |
MATH 2420 |
Linear Algebra |
Faculty of Science UPEI |
MATH 2610 |
Calculus III: |
Faculty of Science UPEI |
MATH 2910 |
Multivariable and Vector Calculus |
Faculty of Science UPEI |
MATH 2910 |
Differential Equations |
Faculty of Science UPEI |
MATH 3010 |
R Technology Lab |
Faculty of Science UPEI |
MCS 2030 |
cryptography |
Faculty of Science UPEI |
MCS 4420 |
Foundation physics |
Faculty of Science UPEI |
PHYS 0001 |
Introduction to Probability and Statistics |
Faculty of Science UPEI |
STAT 1910/1210 |
Data Visualization and Mining |
Faculty of Science UPEI |
STAT 4660 |