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Railroad trains (Topical Term)
Used for/see from:
- Freight trains
- Goods trains
- Earlier heading: Railroads Trains
- Trains, Freight
- Trains, Goods
- Trains, Railroad
See also:
- Broader heading: Vehicles
- Railroads Making up trains
- Trainspotting
American Heritage dict. (train: a series of connected railroad cars pulled or pushed by one or more locomotives)
Railway Age's comprehensive railroad dict., 2002 (train: An engine or more than one engine coupled, with or without cars, displaying markers. For practical purposes, a train is a group of coupled cars hauled by a locomotive)
Random House dict. (train: a self-propelled, connected group of rolling stock)
Transportation research thesaurus, Web site, July 13, 2006 (Railroad trains; BT Vehicles)