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Sekar, K. S. Vijay (Personal Name)

Preferred form: Sekar, K. S. Vijay

Manufacturing, 2013: title page (K.S. Vijay Sekar ; SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, India)

SSN College of Engineering WWW pages, viewed October 4, 2013 Mechanical engineering faculty profile page (Dr. K.S.Vijay Sekar, M.E, Ph. D ; email ; possesses a Doctoral degree in mechanical engineering from Anna University ; secured a Master's degree in computer aided design and a Bachelor's degree in production engineering, both from Madras University ; has about seventeen years of teaching experience and more than seven years of research experience ; he teaches manufacturing technology I and II and computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) for UG and automated computer integrated manufacturing systems, metal cutting (Theory & Practice), non destructive evaluation (NDE) for PG students)


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